Monday, July 28, 2008

TORONTO BLUE JAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!

We get at the second inning ,they were losing 3 /2 well that was normal because we don't like to must the baseball . Well the point is that at the 3 inning, I got a feeling to support and cheer for the Blue Jays ....!!!!!!!!!! At the same time I was asking for a ball jjjjj... because my chair was close were Blue Jay was warming jjjj....... I was all day asking for a ball . The person that was warming throw a ball but a little boy get the ball =( then I get mad because they throw the ball to the little boy and no to me . Well I continue to ask one ball .....At the 8 inning they throw one for me wee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally I get a ball wee!!!!!!!!!!! . At the same time the Blue Jay were losing =( ....... but I continue to cheer the Blue Jay and at the end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!in the last inning wee !!!!!!!!!!!!! Winn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TORONTO BLUE JAY WIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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